The Genealogical Society of Flemish Americans thanks all of our members for their donations,
especially Margaret Roets for her legacy donation. The combined efforts of all of these people
have paid for the Gazette Van Detroit to be accessible to the world.
Our Staff scanned and edited the documents to put forth the best quality work. This has been 5
years of dedicated efforts.
Any newspaper printed prior to 1926 is in public domain
In the United States, the Copyright Act (Title 17 US Code) states that intellectual property
belongs to the author, unless otherwise specified in a publishing contract.
After 1977 articles are copyrighted for 70 years after death of author.
You may copy sections for your own use but are not allowed to reprint articles.
We still have the newspaper, and if you need large scale articles it would be easier to come
directly to us. We also do translation work and have many of the original photos printed in the